Rospo Mare B (RSM-B) new ERD wells

  • Client Edison
  • Activity Front End Engineering & Design
  • Year 2008-2009
  • Hours Committed 450

Rospo Mare is an oil field offshore Pescara (Italy) in the Adriatic sea. Edison is the Operator, together with Eni as minority shareholder. The Project purpose is to drill n°3 new ERD oil wells to increase the production of RSM-B platform, normally unmanned and remotely operated. Within such project, DG Impianti Industriali S.p.A. has permormed an offshore survey, during which a laser scanning of the main equipments and steel structures has been carried out.

The acquired data, such as “3D point clouds”, have been exported in 3D modelling softwares, both steel structure and piping ones, as it could have been led an analysis of differences between original plant design and actual set-up and a detection of tie-in points and items to eliminate.