Saih Nihayda | Condensate Stabilization Plant
- Client ABB / PDO
- Activity Detail Design
- Year 2013-2014
The new Saih Nihayda Condensate Stabilization Plant (SNCP) is located near the Saih Nihayda gas plant in the north part of PDO concession area, and will have the capacity to process 4,500 standard cubic meters of condensate per day. The new plant will be used as a backup for the existing central processing plant to ensure continued gas production for PDO’s domestic and export customers; the SNCP Project involves the installation of facilities to secure availability of gas in case the existing Saih Rawl CPP is out of operation to process all SNGP unstabilized condensate.
In addition, it will process portion of Kauther Gas Plant (KGP) unstabilized condensate that will be fed to the plant via a two new 6”, approximately 18 km GRE pipelines branched from the existing 18” KGP-CPP condensate pipeline. The separated flash gases from the SNCP will be compressed and fed to the suction manifold of the Saih Nihayda depletion compressors or SNS.
The associated produced water with unstabilized condensate will be separated and pumped to Saih Nihayda Oil Station (SNOS) through a new 6”, approximately 2.5 km pipeline. The separated off gases will be injected into the discharge line of the existing SNGP off gas compressor and routed in the existing 4” pipeline to the suction manifold of the lift gas compressors located within SNOS facilities.
The SNCP Project consists of the following main sub-systems, all part of DGI scope of work:
– Kauther Slug Catcher
– HP/LP Inlet Condensate Flash Vessel; Dry Condensate Flash Vessel
– Condensate Water Coalescer
– Condensate Stabilizer System including side re-boilers.
– Three stages of Flash Gas Compressors trains
– Condensate Export Pumps and Condensate Export air coolers
– Produced Water System
– Pipelines
– Utilities